Day Six...
Day six of my trip... somewhere in Utah. This shot was taken out of my sunroof while driving through a tunnel. I really like the feel of the picture plus I think its funny how you can see the bugs on my car. This portion of the drive between Arizona and Utah was just beautiful. The colors were so amazing. I kept having to remind myself where I was and that it was all real.
when I started out of ca., after visiting my friend Dylan in Santa Barbara, I thought the drive to Denver, co. was going to take me about 15hours. In reality it took me closer to 25hours... :) I stopped more than usual (starbucks) and I took 58 out of ca... which I don't recommend doing at night... beautiful but slow and scary. The good thing was I decided in the beginning of my trip that it was not going to be a race so at no point was I stressed. I had the windows down, sunroof open, music blaring and sang the whole way (only because there was no one else in the car to cause physical and emotional scars :). Every night after I checked into a hotel I would email or call my friend so someone knew where I was... I thought that would be a good idea :). Ok... I'm going to stop a little blunt here because my friend is talking to me and I cannot think. ahhh! Sometimes I miss being on the road alone ;) ...kidding love my friends.
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