Monday, June 26, 2006

The Zoo

Day six through nine of my trip across country was spent in Denver, Colorado with my friend Ralphenia from Alaska. This is one of my favorite pictures from my trip because we are laughing so hard. We were outside the Denver zoo about to go in and we had a couple of guys take our picture. How many people do you know that will gladly go to the zoo with you? Ralphenia and I met while volunteering for the American red cross in Mississippi after hurricane katrina (I will go into more detail later :). Ral's the friend you call when you've blindly jumped into another life altering experience and the panic has set in. Or, the friend your not embarrassed to admit to that your having an extreme girlie melt down over some idiot... ladies, you know what I mean. There's never a hidden giggle or I told you so, only praise and encouragement. The picture shows it best...we had a blast in Denver. We went to the zoo, saw a comedy show, got lost, drank a little and laughed a lot. It was a great girls weekend.


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