Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If women ruled the world

If women ruled the world was the title of an email I received from my aunt. I'm not usually a big fan of forwards but these are hilarious. Not completely sure about the bowling alley one (I liked the colors :) but the other two are so true. Yes, I have used a butter knife as a screw driver and a shoe as a hammer. A shoe also makes a perfect fly swatter, door stop, etc. I've also used a mug for a hammer, staples in lieu of thread, nails and glue in place of screws, nail polish for paint and who hasn't used a eye liner or lipstick for a writing utensil. The toilet paper picture is classic also because every women has been in a public restroom and had to ask for toilet paper. This is part of the reason you can go into a restroom and come out having made a new friend. I personally have gained a hair dresser, a new perfume, hair supplies, tampons ;), mints/gum, a hot pair of shoes, clothing tips, make-up tips, and of course relationship advice. I've been a door where there wasn't one, saved women from lipstick on the teeth, walking out with their shirt tucked in the back of there pants and of course the classic dragging a train of toilet paper. I've held the hair back on a girl puking because her friend couldn't do it and yes even once I zipped someone's pants up for them (maybe twice?). Once at a concert the women's bathroom was flooded before the opening act even came out and so I rallied the troops and we headed for the men's bathroom. BORING! There isn't any couches or decorations and no ones chatting or laughing... even though the troughs are a hilarious set up. I'm always curious why there isn't more bonding... I mean for goodness sake your basically naked right next to each other... is that why? (My guy friends love when I ask these types of questions ;) So, here's to all the women out there... love yah! and see you in the bathroom :)


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